Tiny Modernist The Stockings Were Hung
This chart uses 8 DMC colors (1 skein unless otherwise stated): B5200, 950, 3806, 606 (2 skeins), 3766, 3809 (2 skeins), 581 (2-3 skeins) and 3799.
You may also choose to use a few (or all) of the specialty Classic Colorworks (CCT) and Weeks Dye Works (WDW) floss instead of DMC (the model is stitched using CCT & WDW floss):
Classic Colorworks:
1. CCT-051 Carrie Berry instead of DMC3806 (1x 5yds skeins)
2. CCT-104 Really Teally instead of DMC3766 (1x 5yds skeins)
3. CCT-184 Bean Sprout instead of DMC581 (3x 5yds skeins)
Weeks Dye Works:
4. 1282 Ocean instead of DMC3809 (2x 5yds skeins)
5. 2268 Fire instead of DMC606 (3x 5yds skeins)
Finished Pattern Specs:
Stitch Count: 143w x 234h
Design Size: 10.5"w x 17"h (14-count) or 9"w x 14.5"h (16-count)
Stitches used: Cross Stitch, Back Stitch